Saturday 28 March 2009

Another funeral

Rain was forcast but although it was couldy, rain didn't seem imminent so when it finally came while we were at the market, we had no umbrella. The temperature took a dive and we scurried back home toute suite. In the afternoon I set off with Jean, Marie-Lourdes and Monique for the funeral of Jean, the guitarist's mother's (78). The rain came down hard, the church was packed and there was much emotion. On the way home we stopped off at the local funeral parlour to see the family of another villager who has died (78). His funeral is on Monday. Christian missed all of this as he was on duty at the Mairie, acting as conceierge for the expo on the Retirada. Our last duty call was to the clinic to visit Helene, Michel's Mum. A pretty sad day all around. Tonight the clocks change and tomorrow we plan to go out for the day which should be more promising.

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