Thursday 12 March 2009

Scots Wha Hae!

2.3.09Good old Ryanair was on time so it was a quick get away from Girona airport. Jacques came around to eat with us so Andy and Maureen were thrown straight into the social whirl but of course they coped!.
A morning walk around the lake and then in the afternoon we set off to buy wine for our Danish friends. Great getting to taste and buy with other people's money. The two vine yards couldn't have been more different; a sleek pristine modern set up and a ramshackle 2 person affair. The Brit who ran the latter was a bit of a poser and who refered to one of the wines as a bit "feral". well, how can you take sime seriously when one of the wines is called "Number One". We, of course could hardly keep hold of our (juvenile) sniggers while we waited for a "Number two" which, by the way, never came.
A reasonably early start in cloudy grey weather with a miserable forecast for the next couple of days. I was obviously in one of my 'let's zig-zag France" moods as we went to Simorre, near Auch via Cordes sur Ciel. a lot of driving for Christian but great views and a good lunch in a brasserie in Gaillac where Christian walked into a sign post and grazed his head.
The b&b , an old farm, was just great. Huge rooms, lots of character and a good meal.

Happy Birthday, Christian!
He doesn't look a day older. Weather still glum and at one point it even tried to snow but we're made of stern stuff and headed off to the market in Auch. Managed not to get wet and found a nice restaurant for lunch after which it started to brighten up a bit. Wandered around Fleurance and Maurzevin in the afternoon before another good meal in the evening. We asked for foie gras , cassoulet and chocolate cake and all were delicious; Breakfasts were good too so this is definitely one for the address book.
Arrived back home in good time to prepare for our visitors in the evening and the vernissage before hand. Kathy and Gilles, Jean-Jacques and Michelle, Jean Ortiz, Michel and Joëlle, Marie-Jo and Claude, Joséphine and Juste came and made it a really pleasant evening

Another celebration, this time 22 years of our meeting in the "Riverside" in Glasgow. Of course we went to the market in the morning where preparations were underway for the carnaval cavalcade in the afternoon; there were another 21 like these two for one of the floats! Had to turn down an apéro with Gaby and chantal as we were invited to Joséphine's to eat wild boar - the second since Andy and Maureen have been here. No regrets about the apéro as Joséphine does a mean lychee, sparkling wine, cointreau and strawberry cocktail. Yeeeees! I had to leave early to help organise for International Women's Day. The evening was a calm one which I think, we all welcomed.

Thankfully there was no wind and the sun was spliting the sky. There must have been about a hundred people all told (mostly women) and Andy, Christian and Terry did sterling work serving everyone. A real success and lunch at Joëlle and Michel's was just what we needed. But there's no peace for the wicked as they say ... spent the afternoon in the kitchen getting ready for our next lot of guests, Linde, Jean and Françoise, Thérèse, Philippe and Danielle. This birthday seems to be going on for ever!
This evening it was dinner at Madeline's where we met Doudou who we'd heard a lot about. He and Andy are great pals so there was talk of poetry, literature, comerades and civil war history.
The weather continues to be fine and time is going fast. Went to the Exiles' Museum where we were all moved by what we stimulated to think about. Pity that we hadn't noticed on the way in that over 65s were allowed in for free - three out of the four of us qualified.


Andy suffering with a cold today so he passed on the opportunity to come to Perpignan with us. Christian went off to a meeting so Maureen and I toured the shops and sat in a couple of cafés to watch the world go by.

Andy and Maureen's last day so we did the time honoured trip to the waterfall where the café was closed, up to the Sanctuary where we sat in the sun and had a coffee before wandering around St Lorenç. So far so good ... but then we found that our favourite restaurant was closed so we ended up in one in the village which was just not in the same league. C'est la vie! Arrived at the airport in good time and came back and being reluctant to go indoors we took a glass of wine at the bar.

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