Saturday 6 June 2009

Up with the Lark

Lots of phone calls back and forth about the funeral arrangements which has finally been arranged for the 18th which will enable Joan to have Dad at home for what would have been his birthday on the 17th. We had a trip out for lunch at the "Sancho Panzo" on the way into Figueres which proved to be good for the price. Then we stopped by Capmany to stock up with some cava before Chris, Rosie, Gail and Roger arrive. Thursday (4th) we were invited to Joëlle and Michel's for an apéro with the dentist and his wife.
The "up with the lark" bit came today as we joined a group for a guided visit of Girona. It's a really interesting old town with narrow streets, the Arab Baths, a number of churches and chic shopping. Lunch was at a modern airy restaurant just off the ramblas. Came back to find the village jumping principally at the bar which was overflowing with people watching USAP win the rugby cup - the first time in 54 years. Needless to say, celebrations went on long into the night

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