Wednesday 17 June 2009

Club Med

7.6.09 Chris, Rosie, Roger and Gail arrived for a few days of well earned rest. Although they had a car and went out and about by themselves, we did manage to spend some time together other than over an apéritf. Today was European election day so Christian was on duty up in the mountains watching over the ballot box. There was a better than average turn out with the "Greens" doing better than the Socialists but not as well as the UMP (Sarkozy's party). After the count we went up to the Auberge and ate a "Mother's Day" menu. Yes, it's at a different time here.

9.6.09 Gail and Rosie took over the kitchen to do the evening meal which went down well and still gave a couple of portions left over for the freezer.
10.6.09 Christian kept the day free so that we could take the gang up to the golf course and then down to the restaurant in Maçanet. Stopped by the lake on the way back but no one went in.
11.6.09 Language Exchange in the morning, baking in the afternoon for our "Fête des Voisins". A very pleasant evening with plenty to eat and drink and not a lot of washing up!
13.06.09 Assembled the troops at the recreation ground to head over into another valley to visit the Caramany wine caves. This A.O.C wine has a good reputation, the medieval village is quaint, there's a good restaurant and the scenery en route is magnificent. Several of us came away with our pockets lighter than went we went and a few kilos heavier after a meal of "Boles de Picolat", a Catalan dish of meatballs in a thick green olive sauce. It was, of course, washed down with a Caramany red. On the way back we stopped several times to admire the scenery, especially "Les Orgues" at Ille sur Tet which really do look like organ pipes. Didn't want to eat much in the evening but of course there was still room for a wee apéritif!
14.6.09 An even earlier start down at the recreation ground to watch the start of a local classic car rally. The Mairie laid on a breakfast of coffee, orange juice and pastries which were too tempting to say no to even after our usual start to the day of porridge. The spirit isn't even willing to resist ......! Don't get too excited the car does not have my personalised number plate on it although I think our attendance there set Chritian off dreaming again of a little Morgan.
17.6.09 A flight out of Perpignan took us ino a rainy Birmingham where we picked up the hire car and headed down to Jill's via a pub lunch. Went over to Joan's and saw Dad then on to Mum's. Here's hoping that the weather will be dry and that all will go well tomorrow.

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