Saturday 27 June 2009

Decisions, Decisions

It was a hard decision - Wimbledon, the beach or a siesta but it seemed that Ed and Suz did them all in equal proportion. an easier decision was to treat us to lunch in Garriguella (24th). You can see that even after paying the bill that Eddie is still smiling! He said something about going more up-market next time and reserving a table at El Bulli. Start saving, pal or on second thoughts do we really want to eat food produced in a lab? The trip gave us the chance of yet another stock- up-with- more- cava trip . This time we hit the jackpot with a gift of a presentation pack of two bottles and two more glasses to add to the 40 something that we have already.

Of course during this time Michael Jackson died and the hype continues still. It's all kind of sad. What kind of Dad could only talk about his son as a singer and in doing so plug a new blueray release. No wonder he was screwed up.

The week ended with a "Tapas sans Frontières" evening and our guests this time stayed the course and stayed to help clear up. How many light bulbs did you unscrew, Eddie?

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