Friday 5 March 2010

Sweet Sixty Six

Started the proceedings with a trip to the local auberge to deliver some posters and had a coffeee before going to a cookery book fair. It was a very small somewhat half- hearted affair. One of the chefs who was there to sign books as soon as we approached his stand said "it's now or never as I'm off" ! The arrogance of it! Needless to say we took our custom elsewhere. There were three wine makers and a cheese producer there who were a little more forthcoming but I have to say people around here hardly go out of their way to sell themselves or their wares. We met up with Martine before calling in at Juste and Joséphine's to pay our bill and to have a birthday apéritif.
Finally got to the restaurant in a ****hotel about 20 minutes late. We'd never been before and it was a surprise for Christian. Went the whole hog and had the tasting menu though passed on an apéritif.
Canapés: Quails' eggs in a light batter, pea soup with a potato cream served in a small glass and the leg of a tiny bird which fortunately the waiter didn't know the name of in French. (From the size it could have been blackbird - sorry.)
Grilled Mediterranean vegetable salad
Baby broad bean timbale with cured duck breast
Foie Gras with fig jam
Turbot on a bed of couscous
Duck breast with red berry sauce and crushed potatoes
Glacé nougat dessert
Mmm! It was excellent, the setting was lovely and the views splendid.
Had just enough time at home for a cuppa before duty called and we went to see the kids who are doing a sketch for the opening of the photo exhibition next week rehersing. Then it was round to Michelle and Jean-Jacques' for a wee celebration with Jaques, Yaneth, Lisa, Linde, Pierre and Andrée.

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