Friday 19 March 2010

Life's Habits

18th - 19th
As it was Thursday there was of course the committe meeting which we had to find alternative premesis for as road works made our usual venue inaccessible. Didn't stay for the language exchange as we went to Gilles' mother's funeral. An old village family, there were lots of people there but as usual, most of the men stayed outside, only coming into the church to file past the coffin which is a tradition here. Sometimes the mourners are invited to sprinkle holy water over the coffin, this time we weren't; always however people are invited to touch the coffin as they pass by. I must ask about all the men staying outside; maybe it's because they're non-believers.
We did go for our usual tapas at the bar and it was well warm enough to eat outside. While Chiristian was at the Mairie in the afternoon I delivered messages from the Association which given the lovely weather was no hardship at all. In the evening we made our pilgrimage to the bar bar calling at first on Danielle but she wasn't able to come with us - next time she said and there surely will be a next time.
Friday morning Christian had to go for a blood test in readiness for his regular trip to the doctor next week and I went and had my hair cut. Lucy cut and cut and I don't think my hair has been so short since I was 12! The verdict is that Alison and I look more and more or alike give or take 3 decades or so. As I had to go to the casino on Association business (that's got you wondering) we decided to have lunch there before going to fill up the car for our trip to Briançon. Yesterday evening we heard from Stéphane that his first partener and mother of his only child died aged 42 so we're off for the funeral on Sunday once Christian has voted.
Called in to see Joséphine and Juste for a cuppa before the parade to the war memorial in honour of the ceasefire at the end of the Algerian war. This of course was concluded with an apéritif and a good deal of chat.

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