Sunday 7 March 2010

Luck was with Us

The Association's acknowledgement of International Women's day tomorrow was as last year, to have some fellas serve tea, coffee and cakes in the village square. (Well, our President and the rest of the committee except Maggie wouldn't be able to cope with anything too radical!) The forecast was for cold weather with an alert for rain and snow later on. How lucky we were; the sun shone and it was warm enough to sit out. There was enough food , the fellas did their stuff and there were no catastrophies. Christian worked like a wee trooper and spent the afternoon sleeping on the sofa but I think the apéritif we had with Maggie had something to do with that. Once again Nicole and Anna give us a theme (female names) to decorate our street and this is our very unatristic offering. We'll try and do better at Easter.

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