Sunday 17 October 2010

With Banners Flying

Today we more than made up for yesterday's inactivity; Coffee in the bar for starters and then up to the Coll de Manrella for the annual commemoration of Lluis Company's excecution. (See previous posts about this time)The weather was sunny but very windy and bitterly cold. It's funny to think of Mum and Maureen attending their first political demonstration at 81 and 86 respectively but even if they hadn't a clue what was being said in Catalan (neither did we, if it comes to that) they understood enough of the history to find it all very interesting and moving. We had lunch afterwards with the Mayor, his wife, Robert and Francine at the local auberge so all in all it was a morning for the two of them to be able to talk about back home and that wasn't all .... Françoise had managed to obtain some free tickets to a concert in Arles given by the Montpellier Symphony Orchestra which included among other things, "The New World". As there weren't enough tickets for Christian and me, we went and had tea with Josette. Françoise kindly delivered her charges back to us and was rewarded with a G&T. The least we could do, I say.

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