Sunday 31 October 2010

Willing (?) Recruits

30.10.10 Started off looking forward to a quiet weekend with just the weekly trip to the market programmed. Of course we ended up having a glass of wine with a whole pile of people but what could be more pleasant?
After an extra hour in bed while having our usual Sunday morning coffee in the bar, the Mayor asked if we could represent him at a lunch organised by one of the Old Soldiers' Associations. It meant abandoning the roast that I'd left cooking on a timer in the oven and any idea of a catch-up-with-the-blog day. Anyway it was a very genial affair which started with apéritifs, had paella as the main course (and very good it was too) and continued right through to digestifs so can't complain. As if we would but I really must find time to let you all know what we've been up to as I know you're just dying to find out. Well, you are, aren't you?.

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