Wednesday 13 October 2010

In Search of the Lost Ark

Couldn't bear the thought of staying in for another day even though Mum seemed happy enough with her crossword and the soaps (ie, much the same as she does at home!)so we ventured out to Auchan where at least we could look at the shops undercover. Ah yes, the rain is still pelting down. That occupied us until lunch so we set the gps to take us cross country to the 'Old School Restaurant' in Palau del Vidre; encountered two problems :- a lot of the roads were impassable and when we finally arrived the restaurant was closed. Went onto Argelès village where we ate pizza. Won't say anymore about that but at least Mum was happy enough with what she got.
By now the weather had cleared up so we strolled along the prom and admired the photos of the earth as seen from above taken by Yann Arthus-Bertrand. Truly magnificent! Tea overlooking the marina and then home to get ready to go for dinner at Jean and Françoise's ... and what a palaver that was! Those of you who know us will have heard my moans about how difficult my Mum is to feed; well, Françoise checked with me first and I said that she couldn't fail with grilled sausage and that Maureen was no problem as she would eat anything. It turned out that the only thing that Maureen doesn't eat are sausages and Françoise cooked tham with lentils meaning that they were soft so Mum only took the tiniest bit to be polite. Christian and I felt duty bound to eat twice as much! Best laid plans and all that ...

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