Thursday 5 May 2011

Life in the Slow Lane

4th May:
A leisurely start after a hearty breakfast before wandering around to Ann & Noel's. There was nothing more energetic on the agenda than going over to the "Waterside", a new café cum tearoom overlooking a fishing lake. Ann's Mum was able to come too which was nice for us especially as it was her treat!
5th May:
You'll be surprisedto know that this afternoon I went along with Ann, who is the new President and her Mum to the Prestwick Baptist Women's Union for a flower arranging demonstration. Afternoon tea anad homebaking was served and proceeds went to charitable work in Japan. In the evening we went out to Laigh Coylton for an early dinner so that Ann's Mum could come with us. The last time we were here was years and years ago when it was the venue for Ann & Noel's "thank - goodness - the - house - is - finally - finished" celebration. It's definitely come up in the world as far as the restaurant is concerned but glad to say that the bar has stayed the kind of place that the locals are happy to go to for a pint and a blether.

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