Monday 2 May 2011

Another Full Day

Headed East today and took a look at Gleneagles. The highlight of the morning was a guided tour of Falkland Palace and a stroll around the grounds. Due to traffic hold ups in Coupar, we were late arriving for lunch in St Andrews. What a good job that I'd taken the list of evryone's pre-ordered meal as half of them didn't remember. The witress was pretty fed up with us and at one point abandoned meals on the table and told us to sort it out ourselves so yours truly took on the role and ended up with a tepid stirfry. Still, all in a good cause. The restaurant overlooked the home of golf and the sea so everyone was well pleased. Next it was off to coast and a walk around Crail where there was next to nothing open.
Our last dinner at the clubhouse and Bill did a splendid ribeye steak for ourselves and our hosts who came as our guests. Just imagine everyone's delight when they arrived and were piped in by Laura's godson. Of course there were speeches of thank you and David said the Selkirk grace which needless to say, the French "didnae unestanit". We had "Flower of Scotland", a song from the mayor, sardane, passo doble and "What shall we do with the drunken sailor?" from Nicole who is normally such a serious woman. so came to an end a great trip with everyone overwhelmed by the hospitality, enamoured with the countryside and pleasantly surprised with the quality of the food. Even the haggis and Iron Bru went down well!
For us, we were also pleased with the trip ..... we didn't lose anyone, everyone kept to the schedule and even better there were absolutely no complaints.

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