Saturday 7 May 2011

Moving On

Moved down from Mauchline to Prestwick to the B&B that we'd booked. Despite the rain, after settling in to our rather sad looking room we took a stroll down memory lane passed the Registry Office (for some reason the spire is missing ) where we got married 20 years ago and went for a drink in "The Dome" which was our regular haunt at that time.
Had a phone call from Françoise who had been contacted by one of our neighbours to say that our front window was wide open! Can only think that Thérèse had had not closed it firmly enough when she'd cleaned it and the wind had blown it open. The moral of the story is obviously, is make sure the neighbours can contact you when you're away.
Met Colin and Sheila in the evening who had booked for us to eat at "The Lido" in Troon. Of course, being a Saturday night, it was busy and very noisey. 20 years ago we'd have loved it now ....

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