Saturday 30 July 2011

Don't Count the Calories!

There was no Association committee meeting Thursday morning but the language exchange took place as usual although there weren't so many of us. In the evening, the Council Meeting took place up in the other village for a change. Funnily enough there were more of the public in attendance than ever there is down here. 14 of us stayed on for dinner, yes, duck again, and very generously, the Mayor paid for all of us. Out of his own pocket, I hasten to add.
Called around to see Juste and Joséphine on Friday afternoon. Juste is still hobbling around with a crutch and was pleased to have a bit of company. Tea became dinner and this photo is of us while Joséphine was doing her mozarella and tomato salad and Juste was making his Spanish omlette.
Saturday we took a brief trip into the market and came back and ate at the bar which wasn't the brightest idea as we went down to this week's organised meal (paella) and disco in the evening. Ah well!

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