Sunday 7 August 2011

Dancing the Night Away

Didn't bother withethe market on Saturday. Thought there wouldbe too many people and all we needed was some cheese. Had a leisurely coffee and then a glass of wine in the bar but resisted staying for something to eat as we were going to eat poulet-gambas at this week's organised meal. 14 of us at the table, a wee bop and then liquers at Michel and Marguerite's. Made it home for 1am.
This morning we were on the road at 9.15am for a fête in the village over the border with which are twinned. The weather was cool and overcast so we started with hot chocolate and local donuts. At midday the local Mairie laid on tapas for visiting officials (that included us) which was copious enough to do for lunch. A rest in the afternoon and then Juste and Joséphine stopped by for a snack before taking us to a local international folk festival for which they'd be given 4 complementary tickets. It was fab-u-lous. Dance troupes from Russia, Mexico, Peru, Spain and of course Catalunya. The Peruvians did their UNESCO classified scissor dance. Have a look at it on "Youtube". Just amazing. Another dance, less dramatic but very beautiful was the one from Tchoukotka, an independent district of Russia with a population of about 55,ooo people in the East of Siberia, bordering the Baring Sea. There's a clip of it also on" Youtube". The only downside was that being outdoors, it was a bit parky and there was quite a bit of humidity in the air. again didn't make it to bed until late, 1.30am but so what?.

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