Wednesday 3 August 2011

One More Year, Several More Wrinkles!

The day dawned to the sound of "Bonne Anniversaire, Mon Amour". Nice, eh? First stop was the hairdressers where more blond strands lay on the floor than on my head but apparently the result is ok. Joined Christian for a coffee where much to my surprise there was a present waiting. It's a long time since we've given each other presents prefering to go out or away.
Lunch was at a local Michelin star restaurant and it was good. Excellent service, lovely food which took 3 hours to eat on a shady Mediterranean terrace. Five courses, 4 which came with a glass of wine chosen to complement the food.
Needless to say, neither of us was very hungry in the evening, so we made do with champagne and foie gras. It's a hard old life!

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