Sunday 9 October 2011

Let Them Eat Cake

It's still wet and windy. Is it any wonder that despite the good food, I had no desire to live in Normandy when we moved to France.
Walked around a local market on Saturday morning but didn't find anything of interest to buy. Had a coffee in a café where inevitably, the tv was showing the England v France rugby match. England lost and I kept my voice down even though I wasn't supporting them!
After lunch we set off again and went over to Guillaume and Valérie's for the night. Frank, Stéphanie and the kids came over for tea and we all tucked into homemade cake. The one made by Maureen was particularly good.
The next day we stayed for lunch and enjoyed more cake and wondered how the first round of the Primaries to choose the Socialist Party Presidential candidate would go. Interestingly the vote was open to anyone eligable who was prepared to pay 1€ towards administrative costs and sign up to the party's principles not just card carrying members.

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