Monday 3 October 2011

A Lucky Escape

It took us about 3 hours to drive to Vire where we were due to have lunch with Christian's Godmother but when we arrived, not having heard Christian say 3rd, she thought we were due to come the previous Monday. Not batting an eyelid, she went to the freezer and brought out a frozen cooked chicken to defrost/heat in the oven! We hastily assured her that it would be quicker if we went to buy a bit of steak.
It really was quite funny; she explained when we hadn't arrived, for some reason, she'd assumed we were coming on the Saturday .... I knew that it was a day that ended with an 'i', she said! If your French is no great shakes, only Sunday doesn't end with an 'i'!
After lunch we continued North for another hour and arrived chez François and JoJo's. Inevitabily, François made his wicked rum punch and JoJo made my favourite meal of scallops.

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