Thursday 31 May 2012

Better late than Never

Only about six months late but finally made it to Perpignan for my "annual" check up. Still, Joséphine who came with me was 2 years over due for hers. We went on the bus using the Département's great deal of 1€/journey. It was very hot so we didn't bother to trail the shops, opting instead to call in and see Emilie and the new baby.
The biggest decision of the day was where to eat and this ever-faithful bloodhound sniffed out a great wee place in one of the small back streets. The food was great and the owner entertained us with stories of when he was a dancer in Paris and other witicisms.
Only cloud on the horizon was that on the way back, Joséphine realised that she's lost her car keys. Juste came to the rescue so, this little drama didn't turn into a crisis.
The evening was spent quietly enough watching 'Les Femmes du 6ème Etage' about Spanish cleaners who live abouve grand apartments in 1960's Paris. The version we watched on dvd had subtitles so if you should come across it, it's a fun film to watch.

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