Wednesday 30 May 2012

Heading for Paradise!

No don't worry, we're both fit and well; the Paradise here is the largest brothel in Europe and the garage where we take the car to get the dents and scratches magicked away is right behind it. Today it was Martine's business that we put their way and she was well pleased with the estimate. So, good deed done we were able to have the rest of the day to ourselves or so we thought but more of that later.
Went and had a coffee by the river in the shade of a parasol and watched the world go by for quite sometime. After that we sought out a new restaurant that I'd found out about in a place which is called Cinclaus. There are five buildings there, hence the name which means "five keys". There's a tiny little locked-up church dating from the 10th century. The restaurant is in an old farmhouse which once belonged to a Catalan writer and is full of old furntiture and ornaments. The food and service was as good as the reviews on the internet said.... a good wee find to add to our list of recommendable eating places.
Came home with rain threatening and were in the process of knocking back a welcome cuppa when Christian received a call asking him to go to meeting. Fortunately he'd had a good lunch as he didn't get home until midnight and to top it all, apparently it was an acrimonious and frustrating meeting. All in a day's work, I suppose.

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