Saturday 21 April 2012

Changeable Weather

Woke up to sunshine and enjoyed the views from the hotel over the town and of course, had a good buffet breakfast. The GPS took us out of Girona without too much trouble and we headed for the coast. A stroll around L'Escala first and then lunch in Sant Martí. The sun was quite strong and we all took some colour. Juste and Christian opted for a snooze while Joséphine and I went for a walk along the sea front. Well, there is another meal this evening at the bar to celebrate 14 years of Jean Louis's ownership, so a bit of excercise didn't go amiss.
Sadly by the time we arrived home, the rain was threatening and held off until about 7pm. The meal/concert was due to start at 7.30pm but we lingered with Juste, Joséphine, Jean & Françoise, Lone and Martine over an apéritif before heading over to the bar. All was chaos ... Jean Louis was trying to erect some kind of shelter for the band, Nicolas didn't have enough space to start grilling the food and the rain was dripping onto some of the tables! Still, people were patient and ordered up carafes of wine and the Catalan guitarist got to work cheering up the audience that was feeling pretty cold. Fortunately our table was inside and fortunately Jean came to the rescue. His son has a business renting equipment for concerts and other such events and he went to get what was needed, erected it in the rain and then came back after midnight to take it down. Some 70 year old!

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