Wednesday 25 April 2012

Spring in the Step

Before going for my last physio session, Christian and I both went for blood tests. Christian's is routine and mine was because it's been forever since I've had one. There were loads of things to be tested for and as Tony Hancock would have said "the nurse took an armful"! Results tomorrow.
After 20 seesions of physio, it will be strange not going anymore and I can still feel a twinge in my back though the leg is getting stronger all the time.
This evening we were invited around to Lone's for an apéritif and we roared with laughter when she told us about her husband's latest acquisition for his humanist funerals (he had a business hiring outside broadcast units to tv companies before - not sure that that is relevant but it just shows people's versatility. Apparently it took him quite a while to get the Danish authorities to accept it as an appropriate mode of transport but they have and he's the only company in Denmark with one. As the Grateful Dead sang "I may be going to hell in a bucket but I'm enjoying the ride!" Something that old bikers would appreciate.

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