Thursday 5 April 2012

Eat, Drink and be Merry

2nd: Went up to Las Illas for Christian's "surgery" and there's no need to tell you that I ate duck.
3rd: We were invited to lunch at Juste and Joséphine's to meet Jurgan, the new tenant and his wife who's flying back to work in Germany in a couple of days.
4th: The rain that started last night has continued and I went to Ethel's for a Reiki session. Not sure that it's doing anything but at least I'm no longer taking the pain killers. Margaret, Kelvin and Irene came around and stayed for apéritifs so we got stuck into the cava.
5th: didn't fancy cooking after the language exchange and time in the bar so we just stopped off at the restaurant for lunch. Passing the door and seeing the menu is just too tempting. This evening Gaby and Robert laid on a blind "fizz" tasting at their place. 8 different bottles (there were 12 of us)and while the Mumm came out top, the others din't necessarily come out in order of price. Lots of fun, needless to say.

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