Saturday 19 October 2013

Three in a Row

16.10.13: Today was one of those "Blue Peter" days as I couldn't put off decorating our door for autumn any longer. It would be impossible to be  the only neighbour not to participate. Sadly I can't claim this work of art hung at the beginning of the street, our effort was much more modest

Jean-Jacques birthday though I won't tell you which one it was. Can you guess from the photo? He's the one in the middle. Anyway, that was the evening, before that there was a lunch al fresco at the restaurant for just the three of us.
Had our second trip to the restaurant today, this time for dinner on a mushroom/chestnut  theme,
accompanied by this season's wine. Can't say that I'm a great fan of  "vin primeur" but I did my best to help finish the bottle. Robert joined us for the meal but for some unknown reason we were only 12 people there for the menu.
Yes, it's Saturday and as you'll know by now, Saturday is market day. As usual we didn't do any shopping and as usual we joined friends (David and Laura) for an apéritif out in the sunshine. There was something to eat in the fridge so there was no excuse to eat out and that came as no hardship after all our restaurant visits over the last few weeks.
This evening we'd just settled down in front of the tv when we received a phone call from Michelle and Henri who wanted us to join them at the restaurant. Yep, that's right, we did, making it the 3rd time in as many days. Tonight, however, I just had a starter size salad and Christian only had two courses. The evening finished with a nightcap back at ours.

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