Friday 25 October 2013

Eat, Drink and be Merry

21.10.13:The first apéro was at lunch time; well, it wouldn't have been at breakfast,do I hear you say? Anyway, Dominique came around to see a small DIY job in the house at the right time so ...... Then, this evening Jean and Françoise phoned to say that they were coming over with oysters for Christian. Fortunately, I was able to russle up some nibbles that saw us through a very pleasant evening.
Oh dear, I should check my mobile phone more frequently. We went off  to meet Anne, who helps me with Spanish and had invited us for lunch. The restaurant is a modern, characterless one on a commercial estate whiched is saved by a pretty view on one side. Anne, is normally on time so after 10 minutes watching  the hors d'œuvres buffet disappearing fast, I phoned her to find that she'd left a message on the mobile saying she was not well. There was nothing else to do but to stay and order. The buffet was disappointing (shame as I just love buffet starters) and the rest of the meal not very interesting.
Lunch at the restaurant and then back again in the evening for an apérobio with "les anglaises" taken out on the terrace.
This evening we were invited to Jeannine and André's for dinner, along with Michelle, Henri, Laura and David. Although you wouldn't know from the weather, that it's autumn, the menu gave it away.
Chestnut and pumkin soup, duck and potato pie, sweet chestnut purée and Berry dessert and cheese, of course. We didn't get anything decided about next year's trip to Scotland; even the dates are up in the air what with the municipal élections in March and the Europeans in May.
Finally,  the last of the Association's stuff (the booze) was collected as it was needed for the apéritif after tonight's AGM.. How good it was to be able to just turn up. All went well and there was even an acknowledge of my contribution to the Association's success, which was nice. The meal afterwards which started with a far superior buffet than the last one that we'd had, was spent in the company of Michelle and Henri was a pleasant end to the evening.

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