Monday 14 October 2013

Golden Girls

8.10.13: Mum and Maureen arrived by good old Ryanair.
9.10.13: Left Mum and Maureen to settle in this morning and this aftenoonr we strolled around the village and visited the two art exhibitions. With a few feelings of guilt, we abandoned our charges this evening as we'd been invited to James and Beverley's for an apéritif and for him to give André a painting that he had done of him. James's son Guy was also there and he's as exhuberant as his Dad so conversation was lively. The evening rolled out as one would expect until a jug of water was put on the table. Once Beverley mentioned an after apéritif stroll, we took the cue and made to leave. James, Beverley and Guy accompanied me on foot while Jeannine and André dropped Christian off. The next bit was really funny ... we asked them in for a drink before they set off back home .... two bottles of cava later, they left!
10.10.13: For once, we decided on a day out in France rather than over the border. Had coffee and a stroll in the sun in Collioure,  lunch in Port Vendres and then a stroll along the prom in Argeles to aid the digestion. Then this evening Jean and Françoise came
over for an apéritif dinatoire and did a grand job entertaining our visitors.
11.10.13: Spanish this morning and then it was into the car and off for lunch, this time over the border. An ordinary sort of meal but the grilled meat found favour. Decided on a bit of retail therapy in the afternoon at the new shopping centre. Christian left us to it until tea time which we took on site. What a disaster .... Mum's tea was too weak, too milky and cold, the service was off hand and the grumbles wound me up no end. Giving the centre a second chance wasn't the best idea that I've ever had; should have stuck with first impressions. This time, it is really "never again"
1210.13: Market day with Mum and Maureen going off to do their own thing while we bumped into people every 20m and ended up taking a succession of apéritifs. Firstly with Henri and Michelle, then Jean and then Jean-Jacques and his friends Dominique and Alain. Mum and Maureen finally caught up with us and didn't say "no" to a wee refreshment before we all went back to the village for lunch at the bar.
13.10.13: Made an early start this morning. Mum and Maureen went off to Mass, Christian went to a conference about cork and I went to help out at the Association's stall at the October Fair. It was lovely and sunny and there were loads of people to talk to. Have to say that organisation has gone to pot since I've left the committee  ...... how satisfying is that.? Very, says a smug little me!
James had a stall too selling his paintings and doing a demonstration. Maureen bought one of his paintings and she and Mum came away with a couple of freebie prints. As well as the forum, there was a carboot sale, dj, zumba demonstration, food market and human towers. Of course, there was the possibility of eating there which normally we would have done but Christian was eating with the VIPs from the conference at the restaurant and the arabic style meal was a definite "no, no" for Mum. We three  went to the bar and for the 2nd day running, Mum had ham and chips. Sorry to harp on but it's so frustrating not really finding anything to suit.
14.10.13: Our last full day before Mum and Maureen leave so we attempted another day with lunch out. Firstly to the village where they make espaidrilles, then the scenic route over the border where we stopped for a coffee in the square in Maçanet. Idependence flags were much in evidence. From there we went on to the lake for lunch. Mum was happy with what was on offer and it showed; us less so and it probably showed.

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