Thursday 4 September 2014

Affairs of the Heart

Thursday again, so while Christian was at the Mairie, I went to the language exchange. Only 7 of us today. Other people turned up to the bar though. Now, what does that tell us? As the menu du jour at the restaurant was the same as we'd had on Saturday, we stayed on at the bar for a bite to eat. Later on, it was back to Perpignan for the second time this week for Christian's ultrasound. His appointment was for 6pm so by the time we got out, as a helicopter was touching down with an emergency, it was 7.15pm and raining. Just at this point, Jean phoned to invite us for an apéritif, so half an hour later we were sitting round their table catching up with Joan (Catalan for John/Jean) who was without Thérèse, sipping away happily.
24° Sun to start, rain later, warm and sticky
Valérie Trewheiller, François Hollande's ex-partner has published a "kiss and tell".  Great indignation everywhere but what did he expect after the way he dumped her .... remember the scooter affair!
Went down to Collioure to have a seafood lunch with Michèle and Henri at their flat. Afterwards, while the fellas snoozed, Michèle and I went for a walk by the sea and a cuppa at "Les Templiers".
27° Sunny

Christian had an appointment this morning with the cardiac surgeon who described him as a complicated case! He's talking about changing his pacemaker for one that is combined with a defribulator and putting it on the other side. This time he hopes to put in three wires rather than just the one that there is at the moment. Fingers crossed that it will be possible. In the meantime he has to have an ultrasound. As we were late getting back, we went for an al fresco lunch at the "France". Feels as though we're on the slippery slope but at least, Christian is chirpier.
30° Hot and sunny

It was an ordinary sort of day which ended with a super apéritif dinatoire at Colin and Lynn's. The food was excellent and the company a good mix of people - French, Catalan, British, Belgian and  German  who chatted in a pleasant garden under a warm evening sun.
29° Sunny

August slipped away as hordes of holiday makers headed North for the start of the new school year. For us, the weekend was a quiet one with nothing more exciting than a trip to the market, the menu du jour at the restaurant and coffee at the bar.
29° Sunny

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