Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Wet, Wet, Wet

The trip into Spain organised by the Association to play pétanque was cancelled this morning. We're on a orange alert because of the heavy rain so it was the only thing to do. Funnily enough, Trevor and Judith arrived at our door wearing shorts and carrying umbrellas just to check that the trip was indeed off! Well, the Irish do deal better with wet weather than we softies from the S of France.
We did venture out to the bar and had a coffee under the awning as the rain continued to fall.
When Christian, Michel and Jean-Jacques arived at the house after their meeting at the Mairie, Jean, Françoise and Jacques were already here waiting for the apéritifs to begin.
20° Rain stopped and it brightened up at 4pm
Despite the all the rain through the night, the sun was shining enough for us to have lunch with Jacques who's here from Colombia, out on the terrace of the bar. Jacques et Jean-Jacques opted for omlette and chips but there weren't any eggs! They opted therefore for the same as me, for curried chicken  (not as we would know it though) and rice. Christian had a warm salad of herrings and potatoes, a traditional French bistro dish.
23° Very heavy rain at 5pm

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