Monday 2 March 2015

Getting Wound Up!

Nothing special during the day but we had a fright with the electrics last night; was confronted by an awful smell when I went to put the washing on at midnight. I sniffed my way through the caves until I tracked it down to the fuse board cupboard. One of the EDF boxes was HOT and the plastic case was melting! Christian, who was unusually still up at this time, switched off the electric and phoned the C°  who said they'd send someone out this morning. Went to bed by the light of his and hers torches. Thank goodness for the "for - once - a - useful - free gift" wind up torch that had come a while ago with some mail order stuff. What's more the whole affair was a timely reminder that we need to get our smoke detectors up before the legal obligation comes in on 8th March.
19° Sunshine and cloud

Despite having a gas hob and the leckie back on by 10am, Christian didn't give up on his thought that it was as good a reason as any to go out for lunch. Before that however, we went to the bar which has finally reopened for a coffe after which Christian went to the Mairie for an hour and I pottered.
Decided to kill two birds with one stone by going over the border; bought cava in Capmany  where despite it being closing time, we were offered a glass by way of an apéritif and a bottle of pink cava by way of a thank you for buying 4 cartons and had lunch in Can Tomás in Rabos.
The menu del día was simple but very tasty; the service pleasnt. 12€ for 3 courses, wine, water and bread. Although the restaurant, itself,  doesn't have much character, the village does. That is apart from a small communication or maybe satelitte dish on the church tower!!
20° cloudy with the odd sunny spell


  1. What a great life !! Love K&K

  2. It sure is but it aint bad down under either. The weekend's here!
    Great to see the photo.
