Sunday 22 March 2015

Politics, Parades, Pizza and Pasta

For once, Christian didn't feel up to doing a stint at the polling station though of course he did go to vote.
In the village there was a 54.30% turnout; the Socialist party came out on top with 467 votes (40.79%), 2nd came the Front National with 296 votes (25.85%) then a right coalition with 258 (22.58%). As a result, there will be a two way fight next Sunday Socialist v FN.  Nationally, there was a lurch to the Sarkozy right. Let's hope tactical voting will keep the exterests out; where the Right confront the FN, the left have called for it's supporters to vote right rather than abstain; Sarkozy has urged a "ni, ni" vote ie, neither Socialist nor FN. Hardly in the interests of France, is it?
Not having had much of an appetite at lunch time, by the time it was all over at the Mairie, Christian was hungry and fancied going for a bite to eat. Sadly the restaurant was closed so we made do with the bar and you can be sure that I asked the price of the main course off the menu du jour before I ordered!
13° Dull and damp
In the News:
UN World Water Day

It's the first day of Spring and the weather isn't the least bit springlike. Yesterday Nicole, our neighbour  decorated all our doors with this little splash of colour and put a big basket of wild flowers at the start of our street to mark the change of season. sadly, I didn't take a photo of the basket and with all the rain she's prudently removed it so you'll have to make do with our door decoration which being more protected is faring better.
Arrived at the bank for our appointment and were immediately offered a cup of coffee with the nice young manager. He even credited a 20€ note that I'd torn a bit out of when it get stuck in my purse zip saying even if the Bank of France didn't accept it, he wouldn't deduct it as a goodwill gesture!
So, it was only natural that we should pay a round when we met up with Michèle, Henri and Jean from the village who gives me marmalade oranges. Needless to say, Henri pushed  for moving upstairs to have lunch and needless to say, we put up little resistance!
12° Heavy rain all day
In the News:
  • International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination Day
  • "Grande Marée", a rare phenomenon with tides in the channel and on the West coast rising 14m above normal, attracting tens of thousands of sightseers
We're now able to read on our wee devices thanks to Michel who got us organised in exchange for a cuppa. Sure it will be useful once we get into the habit.
Apart from 8 people dropping out between Monday and today, the meal out with the carnival group went ahead with 19 of us in an Italian restaurant. Some of us were even in costume. All good fun, the staff were very pleasant and Christian and I both made choices that we were pleased with. Even so,  the restaurant, won't be featuring on our best restaurants guide; it's in a shopping mall and part of a chain.
13° Sun and cloud
In the News:
Happy Birthday Little Sis!
Language exchange, bar then an excellent lunch at the restaurant. Chrisian at the Mairie.
The marching season started today with the first of this year's "patriotic ceremonies" as they are called, commemorating the end of the Algerian war. Brass band, flags, speaches and an apéritif.  You can just make out Christian in the police vehicle; not under arrest but getting a lift up to the war memorial. Afterwards Jean-Jacques came back home with us for supper and a bit of putting the village to rights.
17° sun
In the News:
5 babies found in a home freezer near Bordeaux.

Red and yellow flower making with the carnival group in preparation for St Jordi in April . What do you know? The date decided for the BBQ is now considered not to be the best one, so it's back to the drawing board.
Apart from that, there was just the pronunciation group which has now moved on to conversation after weeks of exercises. There were only 2 of us plus the prof so Roger and I had to do a lot more talking. What hardship!
14° cloudy and damp
In the News:
  • Despite strong indications  that the government would lose, Netanyahu has held on to power.
  • 20 people died (17 tourists) and 44 injured in a hostage attack at the Bado Museum, Tunis
St Patrick's Day, begorrah! Took a trip into Perpignan to buy some bits and bobs for tonight's celebration in the bar. A hat and bow tie for Christian; a wig for me. Came back and had lunch on the terrace of the bar in the sunshine where my one course which didn't merit the price (17€) cost the same as Christian's three course menu du jour. The evening was well attended with Jacques and some friends providing the music. We gave the Irish stew a miss and were home by 21h30.
17° Overcast, sunshine, light rain

Did a bit of networking today  putting one of the Deputy Maires at the Mairie who is President of a Departmental cancer awareness association in touch with Penny, a friend who's President of a cancer association helping English speakers. Quite like old times; rather miss it! Christian at the Mairie.
Two more meetings finished the day. The first with the carnival group to decide what to do with the money that we'd won. It took an absolute age to decide to use the bulk for next year and to organise a BBQ in April. Well, it would wouldn't it when everyone speaks at once, decisions are overturned as soon as they are made and the agenda is not adhered to! What went without a hitch was the enthusiastic acceptance of a proposition to go over the border for a meal on Friday. Just goes to show people like having decisions made for them!
The next meeting which was the socialist candidate's electoral meeting (Départmental elections are scheduled for next Sunday) was a rather more orderly affair. It will be interesting to see what happens. There's a lot of apathy and disillusionment around; the sitting candidate has been in for what seems like forever, the young pretender seems to have a well funded campaign and the FN are lurking in the background.
11° Overcast with some sun breaking through in the afternoon

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