Saturday 7 March 2015

Winding Down

 Had a lie in this morning before lunch of pheasant at home. Christian didn't budge from the house, not being on top form but I walked over to see Nicole before she goes back to Germany in a couple of days. As you can see from this photo taken on my way back, the sky is blue and the village looks like a nice place to visit, doesn't it?
20° Blue skies

No language exchange this morning but we did keep tradition going with lunch at the restaurant where Christian's dessert came with a candle on it and a gift voucher for two meals from Valérie and Christophe. Great idea. Then it was on to Michel's for coffee. In the evening, Nany and André entertained us to supper and we provided the champagne. And so passed Christian's birthday doing what he likes best!
15° Blue skies and strong winds

10° Cloudy, strong overnight winds

Did lots of odd jobs. Jean-Jacques came for an omelette and soup.
14° Sunny spells and light wind

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