Sunday 26 April 2015

Keeping Tradition Alive

26th April:
While Christian continued to snooze, I and several others were in the square for 8am fixing paper flowers to anything that didn't move. Sadly the old Mairie next to the bar has scaffolding and blue netting up which wasn't in keeping but  "sang et or" flags were much in evidence to make up for it.
Stalls, a few people in costume, a flame thrower, traditionl Catalan music, medieval music, roses, a dragon with children dressed as knights, brought a good buzz to the square. The two restaurants did good business too. There were 14 of us at our table in the bar. On the menu was "Catalan bread"; not as we thought toast rubbed with garic and tomato but a large slice of yellow bread marbled with something bright pink! Half a small chicken followed with mushroom sauce, parsnip and sweet potato purée then baked apple with a glass of sweet muscat. Christian was not impressed with the meal. What do you think of his waist coat, Now that is impressive. The weather held until about 2pm when the rain came down again so everyone packed up and went home.
20° sunny spells followed by rain
In the News:
For a mere 550€ you can have a perfume recreated to smell of a dead loved one ??????  No comment!

25th April:
Was up quite early to help decorate the square for tomorrow's "Fête de Sant Jordi" but rain threatened so we abandoned the idea and went to the bar for coffee instead. Christian and I stayed on and had lunch. Steak for me and kidneys for him. About 4pm the rain just pourred down accompanied by loud thunder so even though it means getting up even earlier tomorrow, it was the right decision to postpone the decoration.
In the News:
Serious earthquake in Nepal.

23rd April:
Today, as I'm sure regular readers of "Chitchat" will remember, is St Jordi's feast day when Catalans offer their loved ones a rose or a book. Yes, you're right, as well as being George, the patron saint of England, he's the patron saint of Catalunya as well. To mark the event some of the houses in our street put out books for others to help themselves to. Someone else from the village left books at the bar and the restaurant with a "bookcrossing" ticket on them. A lovely idea, methinks.
After a two week break, the language echange was back in action and I sat through two of the members encouraging us to get back to the land to grow our own food and abandon our use of horrible poisonous technology. Eh? No more reading on my ipod? No more emails? No more blog? Was it any wonder I came away disgruntled? Not to worry, a glass of wine at the bar and lunch at the restaurant restored my equilibrium.
21° sun, cloud followed by drizzle

22nd April:
A belated birthday lunch for Christian at Jean and Francoise's. Also invited to enjoy a bon cassoulet were Jean-Jacques and Michel. Christian still finds that red wine leaves a nasty taste so it was white wine for him. There was even a wee gift - a wee useful gift even - a daily pill organiser; something that no self respecting over medicated pensioner should be without! Each slot was filled with little blue pills which Jean swears were smarties!
From theirs we went for Christian's appointment with the GP. He's still anaemic so there's another blood test to do in a week's time.
21° Sun

21st April:
Christian went for a blood test this morning while I worked on the association website.
There was only Ann and myself for the apérobio this evening but Eve from the bar did us a good platter. Luckily Terry and Christian came along later to help polish it off. Even Michel got in on the act. The weather was warm enough to sit out on the terrace and as night fell, we could enjoy a midnight blue sky and a fairly new moon. The bar is definitely winning our apéro custom!
23° Sun

20th April:
Spent the afternoon making up small bouquets of the flowers that we'd already made in the Catalan colours. Plenty of laughs with tea and cake thrown in so it wasn't such a bad deal and of course there were loads of brownie points racked up!
20° sunny spells
In the News:
700 people drowned yesterday between Libya and Italy, more today. Emergency meeting between European states to find a solution instead of leaving it all to the Italians

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