Sunday 31 December 2017

Seeing out the Old

So, it's the last day of the year and I was feeling pretty half-hearted about having signed up to the village shindig with the neighbours. I'd have much prefered a home based evening but this does have the advantage of not having to cook and shop.
Started off with an apéritif at my place for 7 of us and Anne who we're starting to worry about arrived an hour early even though she'd phoned me at least 3 times to check out the timing. We joined 6 others at the village hall where Eric and Mimi had done a good job of decorating it. There were 110 of us booked in so as they were a bit short handed I gave them a hand serving and clearing the plates away between courses. The meal was very good and there was more than enough for even the heartiest appetite. There was also a DJ who had people up on the floor without any difficulty though, the line dancing that folk here (well, of my age group) are fanatical about, is absolutely not my thing. there was way too much of it for my taste.
Made a discreet exit with Anne about 1.15am to go home and straight to bed.
17°, cloudy

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