Saturday 30 December 2017

Taking My Foot of the Pedal

30.12.17: Unseasonally Warm Wind Blowing
Managed to have a longish lie as there wasn't any need to get the bus to the market as Jacques phoned offering a lift. There were more people on the terraces than buying at the usual market stalls though there was quite a large crowd around the stall selling truffles. I didn't even try to get close to see the price as it was no doubt eyewatering. Made do instead with treating Jacques to a coffee and chatting in the sun.
End of the afternoon, I met Nicole for tea at the bar which I augmented with some Christmas cake. It's a big cake that will take ages to finish! What's not to like?
19°, blue sky and a warm wind. Cloud later

29.12.17: Stay Home Day
Didn't set foot outside all day!
16°, cloud and showers

28.12.17: Christmas Cake and Lady Grey
All was very quiet in the square when I went along to have my hair colour done this morning. after lunch did some association admin until Terry and Ann came to pick up the logs that I don't have any use for anymore. There visit coincided with teatime so it was all the excuse I needed to cut into my Christmas cake. Ooooh, I do love afternoon tea.
Rest of the day was spent doing the usual. No need to tell you what.
10°, showers on and off

27.12.17: Saving the Day with a Packet of Smoked Salmon
Despite having an irritating cough, Nicole didn't cancel our lunch date chez moi. I'd looked out a really interesting quail recipe but when I read the label after I'd defrosted them, I found that they were rather too much out of date to safely serve up to a guest! Scrabbled around in the fridge for a last minute substitute. Luckily, Nicole's a friend who likes smoked salmon with pasta. And there was a tasty homemade beetroot and parsnip soup to start and small mincemeat cakes and cream for dessert. So what with a bottle of cava and chocolates as well, my honour was saved.
11°, cloud some blue sky and rain on and off

26.12.17: Not a Public Holiday here
Another late start then, with the café being closed over the holiday, it was coffee at the other bar with Nicole. Rest of the day was spent with my feet up in front of the telly.
13°, sun and cloud

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