Thursday 7 December 2017

Chugging Along

7.12.17: A Relief from the Domesticity
Language exchange, a cuppa at the bar and then home to do some admin. Attended the Council meeting this evening and escaped without picking up any of the cold bugs that are obviously doing the rounds.
There was half an hour to spare before it was time to set off to the Cinéclub with the neighbours. This week's offering was "The Other Side of Hope", a Finnish film about the new beginnings for a shirt salesman turned restauranteur and the aid he gives to a Syrian refugee.
11°, sun and cloud

6.12.17: More Domesticity
Another day of domesticity: chores, computer and sorting out things with Maggie to sell at the Christmas market.
12°, blue sky

5.12.17: Domesticity and a Welcome social Interlude
A domestic day cooking rabbit and preserved lemon for lunch, a bit of cleaning and some computer stuff. The evening was a lot more interesting as JJ and I were invited to Jean and Françoise's along with Hélène and Mohammed for an impromptu apéritif.
11°, sunshine

4.12.17: Out for lunch, Out for Tea and Out for an Apéro
Went into Céret with Maggie. She, to get her feet done, me to do a bit of shopping. I would have done it if I hadn't bumped into Bridget and gone instead for a coffee. Met up with Maggie in the another bar and had an absolutely awful hot chocolate that was not in the least bit worth the money. Never again.
From here we went and did a bit of supermarket shopping and searched for a restaurant that was open on a Monday.
We ended up at the "La Via Domitia"which was a first for both of us and well pleased we were too and it was only 13€ for 3 courses.
Had tea at Jacques's to plan for New Year's Eve and in the evening there was an apérobio at the bar. The logical choice was a bowl of soup and not to hang around too long as it was still feeling chilly despite sitting over the fire..
12°, blue sky and no cloud

3.12.17: Brrrrrh!
Coffee at the bar and computer time. Feeling cold in the house and I've still not yet got to grips with the stove. Of course, when I wasn't in front of the computer, I drank tea and watched tv.
8° sun, cold wind

2.12.17: Doing One's Bit
Arrived to help set up the Association's stall at 8h30 and spent all day there selling our cast off accessories and running the bottle stall apart from an hour's break to have a solitary lunch at the restaurant. came away from the foyer having not won anything in the raffle despite there being about 50 prizes. Oh and I did eat far too much home made cake.
Once home, all I wanted to do was put my feet up and drink tea.
Found out later that the village raised over 15,000€. Pretty good, eh,
4°, blue sky, strong wind

1.12.17: Oh, So Cold
Too cold to get out of bed without a great deal of thought. When I did, I had some time sorting the bottles with Maggie for tomorrow's bottle stall and some computer time.
There was a vernissage this evening but due to some kind of hold up on the motorway, the artists (a sculptor and painter) didn't arrive until after I'd left with Nicole P to go to Ann and Terry's for dinner. Once again, art lovers were thin on the ground which was a shame as the exhibits were interesting .
7°, blue sky and cloud

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