Sunday 25 November 2018

Autumn is here

5.11.18 - 25.11.18
Yes, I'm still here! Earlier this year it was too hot to sit in front of the computer and bring you up to date. Now that it's turned chilly, when I'm home, I just want to stay snug by the fire when I'm not out and about making paper flowers for next March's carnival, organising things for the association's participation in the Téléthon and the Pipe Band's visit next year, drinking coffee, going to the Ciné Club (Ladybird, 3 Billboards outside Ebbing), or sitting around some table or other with friends (chez JJ, chez Jean and Françoise, chez James and Beverley, chez moi). There's also a bit of cleaning, shopping, treadmill, even a bit of cooking going on too. Oh, and also time spent trying to get my papers together for a forthcoming interview for my "Carte de Séjour". Many thanks to all those ****** Brexiteers for the uncertanties that have come our way and the drop in the value of the pound and all that means for those of us on a fixed income.
Still, all the more reason to make the most of life. Carpe diem! There's snow on Canigou, the leaves are rich in autumnal colour and a good pot of soup warms body and soul!
Last night I went to a show down in Port Vendres that included music from 3 Spanish guitarists, flamenco, a violinist and stunning aerial acrobatics to take you far from the mundane.
Follow this link for a few photos:
Temperatures as low as 7° (6th) and as high as 22°(12th). More rain and cloud than usual, interspersed with blue skies and sun.

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