Saturday 3 November 2018

Family Visit N° 2

Frank, Stéphanie and the girls left early this morning which left time for some exercise on the treadmill and a trip to the market with Maggie. The sun was shining and there was pristine snow on Canigou set against a backdrop of a cloudless blue sky. fabulous.
Met Nicole this evening for a glass of wine and a catch up without her normally ever-present son.
16°, sun

Coffee with Nicole and her son and were later joined by Frank and Stéphanie after which we went over to the restaurant for a meal "en famille". The food is so much better than at the bar and at lunch time is even better value. It's a bit late to be thinking that I should eat there more. Sabrina finally confirmed that they have sold and will be closing before too long. The new owners plan to continue in the same style when they open next Spring, so all is not lost
The family made the most of their last day here with a trip to the sea to see a friend and to Spain to buy petrol, which is cheaper there. Meantime, I prepared this evening's apéritif dinatoire with Jean and Françoise.

Today, people traditionally visit deceased love ones, often to wash the plastc flowers or to replace last year's chrysanthamums. Didn't join the family but went to the café instead. Christian would have approved; he was there with me!
JJ  and Jacques came for dinner so there was good conversation, a few drinks and a tasty meal of Pork and Chorizo, my go-to dish.
18 deg, sun

No lunch to prepare today as the family went of to Perpignan despite a forecast of rain. A really nice thing happened this morning at the baker's. Dominique, who was on the German trip, wanted to buy me a coffee but when we realised that neither of the bars were open, the baker offered to make us one. Of course, in return we treated ourselves to a pain au chocolat.
Unlike Rowena, who appeared for a cuppa this afternoon, literally soaked through to the skin, the family managed to stay dry. With the wet weather, there were no kids at the door trick or treating so the girls fell heir to a huge bag of sweeties. It's an ill wind .......

Joined the family for a day out in Figueres; coffee, fruit and veg market, a bit of shopping and lunch on the Ramblas. Unlike the others who had tapas, I went for a "fideua" cooked with squid ink and ended up with black lips and tongue for most of the afternoon! 
16°, sun, wind

Committee meeting, a hot chocolate in the cold bar. Must be the drop in temperature but I felt tired. Couldn't sit through to the end of "The Bookshop" but I'd already seen it so an early night was more tempting.
10°, cloud.

In between preparing for Frank, Stéphanie and the girls' arrival, I managed my usual coffee at the bar. Some things are sacred, are they not?
10°, rain, cloud

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