Friday 25 January 2019

Blue Monday is by and only 4 Red Days Left

Slept in a bit longer this morning after having gone through "just one more episode" last night.
Coffee and week's worth of catch up with Nicole at the ever-more-chilly bar. Why do we put up with it?
Sadly, the latest Michelin Guide doesn't feature any new restaurants in the Pyrénées Orientales.
Here's the link to the photos of my latest activities.
Off now to follow my afternoon ritual of a pot of tea and something sweet. There's still some Christmas cake left. My mouth is watering just at the thought of it and to think there's enough to see the week out. So having spent more than a couple of hours on the computer and some time on the treadmill after a lay-off than more weeks than I'll admit to, I'll light the stove and make myself comfortable on the settee. A cosy evening with my feet up. What's not to like?

Started the day with a cookery workshop led by Nany. We made "panellets" a potato and ground almond sweetmeat covered in pinenuts. Delicious!
And if your mouth is watering from seeing the photos of the "panaletts" we made at the cookery workshop, here's the recipe.
Spent a short time this evening at the bar listening to music otherwise did
some work on the computer, watched a lot of tv and took no exercise.
So much for today being "Blue Monday". It wasn't the most depressing day of the year at all and there are only 4 red days of very, very expensive electricity, which come with my particular contract, left to endure until 1st November when we start all over again
10°, sun, blue sky and cloud

The cloudy weather and threat of rain decided us to go to the Olive Oil festival in Espolla rather than the (dried) white bean festival in Santa Pau which is a good bit farther away.
Jean, Françoise, JJ and I started off with a coffee in the "Café Fraternal". Oil tasting followed. Bought the 3rd lot we tried and went off to watch the "castellars" (human towers). One went up to five tiers.
Went to Llança for lunch via Vilajüiga, St Pere de Rodes and Porta de la Selva. "Bar Felip" was a modern, simple place on the Plaça Major with its Liberty Tree. The people were welcoming, the food was cheap and tasty; what's not to like?
10°, overcast, sun breaking through on our return to France.

It was Jacques turn this morning to have the pleasure of driving me to the market! His new Megane convertible is so much more stylish than his old, battered Skoda.
Today was one of those market days when I bumped into someone I knew ever 10 metres. Met Jean and Françoise for a coffee, as usual. How often this phrase turns up in my posts.
Apart from cleaning the Association's room ready for the cookery workshop on Monday, it was a lazy rest of the day.
Had a look at the night sky before going to bed and saw the moon encircled by what looked like a large ring of cloud. Having looked up the phenomena, I now know that it's called a Winter Moon or a Lunar Halo. sorry that the photo doesn't do it justice.
13°, sun and blue sky

Slept later than usual. Had the offer of a supermarket trip with Maggie so being in need of some bulky items, I put aside the idea of doing some work in the computer and jumped at the chance.
Flower making this afternoon with pancakes on offer at break time. There were only 9 of us but Françoise didn't stop once to draw breathe and the noise level from a couple of the others was head splitting.
Tapas at the other bar with les Anglaises then home for an episode of “Grantchester” while tucked up in bed.
13°, sun

Maggie is still off with bronchitis so I had to be up in time to open up for the language exchange and on pansy watering duty. A cuppa at the bar, some cooking and preparation for my evening visitors.
The neighbours came in to watch "Roma", a film that has had very positive reviews an,d is on Netflix even before it's been released on the big screen. Something to eat, something to drink, a bit of chat afterwards, 3 pots of homemade jam and 2 jars of homemade pâté for the cupboard.
Made in black and white, all agreed it was a sensitive film but we were at a loss to know where the title came from. Thanks to Wikipedia I now know it  refers to Colonia Roma, a neighborhood in the city.
12°, cloudy and overcast.

Joined the morning commuters for the journey into Perpignan so that I could arrive early to join the queue in front of the Préfecture where I was to pick up my Carte de Séjour. The security guard who carried out airport-like checks of visitors with great good humour and the woman who dealt with me was charming. Restores your faith in the upholders of bureaucracy. Did a bit of food shopping before returning home and spent the rest of the day doing this and that in the house.
13°, heavy cloud

Went off this morning to Figueres with Pauline and Penny. As tradition dictates,  our first stop was for a coffee which we had sitting in the sun at the café La Pau. From there we went and filled our senses with the colour and buzz of the market. Shopping came next until we needed to refuel. With our usual restaurant closed for good we had to find somewhere new; opted for "Aroma Café" and had a tasty meal served by a friendly waitress.
More shopping followed; bought a coat. A bargain at 40€.
Arrived home for 8pm, just in time to see the end of the Brexit vote and the tabling of a no confidence vote in Theresa May's Government.
Hey ho we're on the way to hell in a handcart!
16°, sun, blue sky

Made a start on preparing the texts for a forthcoming photo exhibition that I'm helping to organise.
Took a break to go for coffee with Nicole and were joined by Gabriella, a Doctor of Criminal Law at Barcelona University who has a gîte in the village.
Met with Michel about the expo, did more work in the texts then met Nany to check out the room where she will be doing a cookery workshop next week.
Couldn't be bothered to go to the folk night at the bar as I supposed that there'd be nothing new. Watched a new episode of Outlander and yes, Jaimie is as gorgeous as ever.
16°, sun, blue sky, still windy

Coffee at the bar. Nicole S has taken to coming again.
Made some phone calls, did some cleaning, some backing and prepared dinner for Jacques and Michel.
16°, sun, blue sky, wind in the afternoon

Mkt with Michel. No Françoise as she wasn't on top form so, as they say, if the   mountain won't go ....... I bought a bunch of flowers and walked up to hers for a quick " hello".
The market was quiet with a lot of absentee stallholders and fewer folk than usual. Nothing for it but to head for the café where I joined the usual crowd plus Nany and André.
In the evening I went with Michel to a vernissage in Argelès “Lord Phistocrie” - Exposition de Christophe Prévost-Debaisieux. Interesting, amusing, and intriguing. Once home, I couldn't be bothered to drag myself out and over to the bar for a night of blue grass and country music.
12°, sun, blue sky, less wind

Coffee and a listening ear for Nicole this morning at the bar. A funeral for another Christian also from Normandy at the same crematorium where we said our goodbyes to my Christian.
This afternoon, a real treasure came at the time he said he would, to sort out my 20 year old washing machine. What a surprise that someone was ready to do it and what a saving on buying a new appliance.
This evening there was a twinning meeting and a vernissage after which I looked in at the bar next door where I was invited to join Roger and Don in a glass of red wine while being entertained by some of the Banda musicians.
8°, blue sky sun and a few white clouds. Very cold wind.

Early morning call from one of the Association members to day she couldn't come to the language exchange as her heart was racing and she couldn't raise her arm. Went around to sit with her until other help came. Ended up not to be a cardiac problem and I was able to get to the exchange where there was a good turn out. A cuppa at the bar as usual followed by a late lunch and a walk up to Nicole S's for tea.This evening "Shoplifters" was shown at the cinéclub, a Japanese film that won the "Palme d'Or" at Cannes this year. A real mixture of emotions.
7°, sun and blue sky. Strong winds again

Walked over to Jo's with Raymonde for coffee and cake. Unbeknown to us, it was to mark her birthday and that of 4 others. There must have been about 20 of us and more than enough cake for all!
From there it wasn't far from Maggie's and as she had a really bad chest cold off I went to commiserate with her. My effort was rewarded with a gin and tonic.
Made carnival flowers this afternoon, worked on the web site when I got back, downloaded and tidied the photos from the weekend and finished off with some tv catch up.
11° but feeling a lot cold with the wind chill factor, sun, blue sky, strong winds.

Coffee at bar with Nicole before Paul and Mireille arrived to learn about the Association. Ah yes, part of my responsibility is to put new members in the picture. All that took to almost lunch time. Just relaxed in the afternoon catching up with easy going tv.
This evening there was an unexpected invitation to eat with Jean and Françoise along with JJ.
Back in the village, I stopped off at the bar for the tail end of the soirée guitar. Just the die hards from either side of the mike were left but the music on offer was foot tappingly good!
12°, sun, cloud and very strong wind

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