Tuesday 1 January 2019

Initiative Citoyenne

1.1.19: Initiative Citoyenne!
Couldn't have a long lie; things to do and all that. Nany and I had to be ready with our New Year apéritif in the square. A new event on the village social calendar. Nany was worried that we wouldn't have enough to eat and drink; I was worried that there wouldn't be enough people to eat what we had. Neither of us needed to worry. All went well. A good turn out and everyone seemed pleased. Even Jean and Françoise came over.
The food that was left over went to the local homeless centre so, all in all apretty good start to the New Year all round.
Just a few photos https://photos.app.goo.gl/4QYu3NNyNC24NSsi8
18, sun and blue sky

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