Monday 7 January 2019

Have Pass, Will Travel

Courage in hand (yes, that's right, the thought of travelling unknown paths alone has become a challenge for me) and clutching my recently acquired seniors' rail card, off I set from Perpignan for pastures new to Jean and John's in Charente Maritime. Of course, I managed to forget something but thank goodness the newsagent's at the station had a "we've thought of everything" section where I found earphones for my tablet. The second pair that I've bought under such circumstances. Money well spent! What a boon it is to have a tablet and downloaded boxes sets to keep yourself occupied. Though it wasn't all undisturbed screen watching. Two very large women, a child and their outsized dog got on several stations along the line and sat across the ailse from me, were up and down like yoyos. Still the dog was muzzled and surprisingly, other passangers didn't object to climbing over him when making their way to other parts of the train.
Changed at Narbonne for Bordeaux where we were nearly 30 minutes late arriving due to a breakdown on a level crossing. Fortunately I had time in hand  to go to the loo (60p in Narbonne and by Bordeaux the price had gone up to 80p!) and scurry around to find the right platform. Finally arrived to be met by mes amis who were waiting in the cold.
An apéro of a Pinot de Charentes, a local tipple, warmed me up before dinner then it was a bit of chat and bed. It had been a long day
A lot colder than in Perpignan

No hurry to get up and out. What joy!
Drive to Royan, on the coast, where incidentally we bought our first car in France all those years ago. It's a pleasant well heeled sort of place. Had lunch at the "Souris Verte" or "Green Mouse".
Walked along the path above the sea and passed the old blochaus and Frankton moment to the "Cockleshell heroes" who paddled up the Gironde estuary during 2WW to sabotage German defences.
Went back to the "Souris Verte" (it's John's favourite) for a cup of tea then came home to supper marvelling at the gorgeously flame coloured sunset on our way back.
5°, sunshine


 Another leisurely start wondering why after a good sleep, the bags under my eyes haven't disappeared. That expensive cream I bought last time that I was in Perpignan is just not doing the business.
Anyway, enough of that ... off we went to the little market in Pons  where we stayed for a coffee once the veg and cheese had been bought.
Lunch at home and then out to Jonsac; less prosperous looking but none the less had some upmarket shops, a chateau and plenty of eating places. After a good, somewhat muddy in places walk along the river and around the lake, we ended up in "Les Gormandises du Château", a nice salon de thé, where tea and cake were our reward.
Another splendid sunset but this time it was the huge red sun rather than the sky that provided a fabulous spectacle.
This evening we went back into Pons for dinner at " Le Français". Following which it was home and straight to bed.
4°, sun, cloud later

Pottered around the house, had a latish lunch and then went to Cognac.
Despite it's connotations of luxury and fine examples of 18th century architecture, the town has seen better days in places. Like elsewhere there were many vacant shops.
Too cold to walk around the park, we visited the Cognac museum where I delighted in the labels and old posters. My camera clicked away with gay abandon.
Being Sunday and very chilly to boot, the town was quiet and sadly, "Philomena's"Jean and John's favourite tea shop was closed. "The Renaissance" on François Premier Square was open and so it was a hot chocolate before heading home.
You will, of course, have noted, may even have been surprised, that not a drop of the town's famous tipple passed our lips!
4, cloudy; 14, in Perpignan


Up And out by 8.15am to get to Bordeaux station for my train south. All went without a hitch but my goodness the wind was really strong and bitterly cold in Narbonne. The journey from there back to Perpignan was very picturesque where it followed the coast, with water on both sides of the track
Arrived home for 17h. Dropped off my case, tieded myself up and went to Roger and Jenny's leaving apéritif. At 80 and 75 respectively they are off to New Zealand to live.
Lots of people, cava for those who knew it was there (!), nibbles and some dancing. After a long train journey, I strayed from habit and actually took to the floor.
8, cloudy in Charente Maritime, sun, blue sky and strong wind in Perpignan.

Click on the link to see more photos.

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