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If you've been wondering where I've been, my addiction to the "West Wing" has continued so less
time for "Chitchat". Finished the last episode of series 7 earlier this afternoon and there are no more. So, here I am! Still, it's not as though there's been a lot else happening in my life so my guilt is under control.
On the routine side, I've made a few flowers (now all finished), worked on the Pipe Band visit (panicking at all the balls to keep in the air), been to the language exchange (think reward in the next life), been to the market (Michel and Jacques vying to give me a lift) and drunk coffee at the bar. Last Sunday, there were 13 women there (English, French, Catalan, Welsh, Danish and Bulgarian) and two blokes who sat to one side huddled together.
Foodwise, the fridge fairy seems to be on strike, so thank goodness for a meal at
* Jacques' along with Erika, Doug and Annette (cassoulet).With an ex roadie, singers and a guitarist we talked rock music.
* Michel's (pot au feu) with his cousins and two musician friends. Conversation was lively revolving around music, hiking and motorbikes.
There were some restaurant meals too:
* Al Catala with Maggie
* The restaurant in the village that has reopened under new management with Jean Jacques and Martine. We could only feel sorry for them with all the roadworks going on around them. There was a welcome cocktail offered and while the portions were more generous than before, the style and price are the same.
* A Moroccan buffet in Canet followed by a short stroll along the seafront with friends who were involved in a now defunct schooling project in DRC. Can't bring myself to spell out the words for this African country.
And there was the association's tapas evening, for this time only, in St Jean's village hall as ours is being repaired. About 70 people turned up and we raised 265€ on the raffle for the Pipe band visit.
And surprise, surprise ....... the President had to leave to take her husband home leaving the rest of us to clear up and put everything away back at base.
As for culture, I attended a vernissage in Christian's room and sadly, I missed out on going to the "Cinéclub" to see "The Rider" as there was a rendez-vous mix up and I was left behind.
Healthwise, there was a trip to the Opthamologist who noted that the cataract is growing but no need to do anything until it starts to bother me.
* I haven't succumbed to flu (fingers crossed)
* I've been on the tredmill a couple times.
* Sauveur, the electrician, is playing Scarlet Pimpernel
* The "Gilets Jaunes" are still demonstrating and confrontation destruction and pilaging is getting worse as other organised groups hide behind them.
* Too many examples of anti-semitism coming to the fore that are reminiscent of 1930's Germany
* Brexit leaves us all unsettled
Now, I'm off to find another box set to fill my waking hours.
One day of rain (5th), mostly blue skies and sun giving temperatures going from 10° - 17°