Saturday 23 February 2019

February rolls on to its End

18.2.18 - 23.2.19:
Of course, there was routine admin work to do for the association. When isn't there? Françoise came to correct all the mistakes I've made on the website and had a grammar lesson at the same time.

The pipe band visit took up time too. There was a meeting at the Mairie to drum (sorry about the pun) up help and support from other associations. 5 out of over 40 were there! Came away with things to think about and to do. Sometimes, I feel like running away!
Luckily, rather than going home to stew, there was music at the bar. Lots of people, Beatles' songs, a glass of wine and a portion of chips lifted the spirits.
Friday, 22nd we left the car in a neighbouring village to give ourselves more possibilities for the return from Perpignan on the bus. Jacques and I were on a mission to time and firm up the Pipe Band's visit to the Catalan "capital" in the North.
Started with a visit to the tourist office to talk about parking the bus. Walked the proposed circuit, decided we liked the first restaurant we went to while all the time enjoying the unseasonably warm sunshine.
Had a cheap and cheerful lunch at "Les Copins" and then job done headed back for the bus.
Decided to make the most of the sunshine so went to Ceret for a cuppa. Not wanting to finish there, back in the village we had an apéritif on the terrace at the bar where we were joined by Martine, then by Michelle. After that it was an impromptu dinner at Jacques and finally home.
There was yet more work to do for the association. Gilles and I cornered the U3A pétanque players who come to the village every Tuesday to see if they're interested in a game. They were keen to join us but less keen on mixing up the teams. Aye, they're clanish and I'm not sure they speak a lot of French.
Gilles lives on the same estate as Terry and Ann so was able to give me a lift over to their's for lunch. Nick and Lizzie arrived by bike. Roland made the numbers up to six.
Walked home in an effort to rid myself of some of the calories I'd consumed and then undid any good by sitting around watching tv for the night.   
Jacques got in first this time so I arrived at the market in style in his Megane convertable.
Met up with Jean and Françoise and then after lunch joined them for a walk at Port Vendres.
Then in the evening dinner was at Nick and Kathy's. Curry and tiramisu in the company of Maurice, Rosie and Don who told lots of tales about what they'd done and where they'd been. And there was another lovely sunset.
And apart from all that, I watched my fair share of tv and attended the last flower making session for this year.
Before signing off,I should say that I do have some culture in my life. I went to the cinéclub with the neighbours to see "Cold War" which is fimed in black and white (how Stalinesque) and was nominated for an oscar. As you can imagine it was complicated and didn't end well. 
Just to let you know, next year, I shall be leaving public life to spend more time with myself! I'm throwing down the gauntlet, just need to make sure I pick it up while I've still the energy to do so!
15°-23°, sun and blue skies

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