Thursday 28 February 2019

Well, that's February on its way out

Language exchange in the morning, impromptu lunch at Jacques with Bernard, Geneviève, Hans and Marie-Madeleine which I had to leave early to go to an association committee meeting.
Went with Nicole to Perpignan. Stopped at a coffee shop where I failed utterly to resist a pastry. Didn't stay long in the big city, however, as we were meeting Martine at the restaurant in the village. Not one complaint was voiced.
This afternoon had a short time working on the computer before Nicole S arrived for tea.
Then it was telly time with my feet up.
19, sun, blue skies
Coffee at Joëlle's, a bit of cooking then off to Perpignan with Martine. Ate at "Café Catalogne" which until now has only been a coffee stop. It's a modern brasserie serving very tasty, well presented, creative food.
Back home did some work for the association on the computer then prepared some supper for JJ.
It's amazing how just one flower can perfume a room. A real pleasure for the senses as you walk by.
18°, sun, blue skies

Treated myself to breakfast in bed and then met Lynn and Ann over coffee and pan au raison in the other bar.
Some computer work then met Nicole at the bar for a drink. It was as cold as charity in there, so didn't linger long even though we had the pleasure of Jacques’ company.
16°, sun and blue skies

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