Tuesday 4 June 2019

Gateway to Summer

Took the bus to the market, bumped into Bridget and joined her for a coffee. Then met Jim and Mags with the Brits at another bar.
This afternoon I had a meeting with Béatrice about lodging our bagpipers and caught up with the blog.
Once more on my own, the evening followed the usual pattern of TV watching.
27°, sunny

The light morning woke me earlier than needed but no matter. I utilised the extra time to do some work on the computer before going for a coffee. Worked on the blog and photos after lunch when really I should have been out enjoying the fine weather.
Wandered over to see people dancing the Sardane in front of the Mairie, then wandered back again and did nothing in particular.
26°, Sun, cloudy later

Coffee with Nicole after a long lay off due to our various commitments. Rest of the day was spent on the bagpipe visit ending up with a meeting with the host families and then with Jacques to bring him up to speed.
26°, sun, cloud later

An early coffee with Françoise then hair in the morning, apéro at the bar with JJ and Nicole, dentist in the afternoon, tagine with les Anglaises this evening in Brian and Dani's pretty garden. Life promises to continue in busy mode so don't be surprised if I'm not checking in much.
30°, sunny and blue skies

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