Wednesday 19 June 2019

Unashamed Tourist

15.6.19 - 19.6.19:
Leaving Normandy behind, off I went by train to Paris where I was met by Elsa and Nolween. Had an unbelievable start to my stay; on visiting an organic wine fair as part of the commune's local fête, the first stand we came across was from this village. Imagine, travelling nearly a 1,000km to have my first taste of  the only wine made here! Didn't even know it existed.
Sightseeing with Stéphanie took in some Art Nouveau buildings, gardens, tea at the Mosque for 2€ and a, expresso at the Café de la Paix for 6€50! Glad that I didn't have tea as it would have set me back 8€50!
The next day, I was out and about with Elsa. Wandered around the Pere Lachaise cemetary where lots of famous people are buried but with little time and no plan, we only found Chopin's grave. After that we went to the "Atelier des Lumières" to see the sound and light exhibition featuring Van Gogh's work. A super experience!
Evenings were spent at home around the table with the family and I even had the pleasure of Leo's company.
The journey back to the south went without a hitch and Jean and Françoise being at the station to meet me was an added bonus.
After rain and cloud in Normandy, temperatures rose in Paris. 
And .... here are loads of photos. Just be thankful that I wasn't there longer.

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