Sunday 30 June 2019

Behind Closed Shutters

20.6.19 - 30.6.19:
The main talking point in France during this time has been the "canicule" or as you would know it, the heatwave. Temperatures soared as high as the 40's and it's been sapping and uncomfortable. Writing this in July it's still hot , fluctuating between 32° and 37°. Shutters are closed, fans on and the sofa has become my refuge when I've not been organising my photos and doing a ruthless cull of all my cookery books. Inevitably, the bagpipes are forever on the list of "things to do" as well.
Rest assured, I have poked my nose outside from time to time. To the market and out for a coffee to Pepe's. It looks as if he's going have to close due to health problems. Sadly, he's not been able to find a buyer; not good news for the village if there's no choice of watering hole.
The square is now finished and the annual Fête de la Musique on 21st was a good way to inaugurate it.
Had a good lunch at the restaurant with David and Laura and was invited for dinner at Gregor and Claire's where we were royally entertained and able to watch the fireworks laid on by the Mairie for the Fête de St Jean which celebrates the start of summer.
The month ended with the opening of a photo exhibition and the Association's summer tapas evening which had white as it's theme. Realising that this is the last one that I would be obliged to help at  saw me through to the bitter end! Only 4 more months to go ..........
Hot, hot, hot

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