Thursday 30 September 2021

Drifting through to the end of September

 22nd - 30th September:

The rest of the month was much less active. Slotted back into the quieter life without difficulty. Gentle gym for oldies continues as does too much screen time and the treadmill less often than it should. Getting my two feet aboard has been a bit more challenging than reading the papers, doing a few puzzles and having a cuppa or apéritif with friends! 

As the time passes the vegetation in the square is becoming more and more established and there have been some splendid sunsets with hues of pink through red to orange to enjoy.

Goes without saying that meals have been on the agenda, too. Lunch at Jacques' twice; one time with JJ as well. Also had lunch with Michèle and Henri who cracked open a bottle of champagne. There was a dinner, at David and Laura's which was a lovely mix of Scots and ex Mairie friends.

A day out in Gruissan where we entertained by Jacques involved a coffee stop on the way there in Peyrac sur Mer where the young flamingoes were not yet pink,

swimming for the energetic and hardy ones among us, (ie, not Laura and myself), a paella lunch on the terrace of Jacques' chalet, a walk in the town and a visit to the salt flats which Jim and Mags had never been to.

Apart from that, there was a wasted trip to the clinic for a routine checkup which didn't happen as I'd booked my appointment at the wrong place. Don't bother asking "how?" because I don't know how it happened! More postively, Nicole S and I took the bus to Perpignan for a day's shopping with lunch at the VIP restaurant and a cup of fancy tea in a small square to round off what had been a pretty long day as my feet bore witness.

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