Wednesday 8 September 2021

More Surprises

 1st - 8th September:

First off, I took my courage in my hands and told the hairdresser to cut my hair short. The jury is out about the result. A bit too short but I can live with it.

This first week of September has produced lots of last minute invitations. 

A surprise birthday apéro organised by Camille for Nicole K ( yes, another Nicole) out of sight, in the church square as we're not supposed to be drinking out in communal public spaces. The rain came on just as it was supposed to start so I did what Christian did when the same thing happened years ago at the first street get together; I invited everyone back to mine. This time though, there were only 10 of us rather than 30 odd.  Champagne, savoury eats, lots and lots of chat that went on until nearly 2am. 
Another impromptu apéritif; this time caution was thrown to the wind as Camille's birthday celebration was held in the square on the square. More champagne and plenty of food including king prawns and whelks. this time for 9 of us.
  • Impromptu lunch with Jacques and Suzette in between the two previous get togethers. 
A quick apéritif at the bar with Jean and Françoise and one the day before with a Irish couple with a second home here who I haven't seen for about 2 years.

There were some days out too, all of which involved a lunch!

Saturday Nicole S and I tried out the new bus service to Figueres. The stated aim of which is to facilitate inceased links between North and South Catalunya.
Had a curry lunch in an all but empty restaurant; still my chicken biryani was passable. Shame about the delivery moped sitting in a corner! Browsed a few clothes shops but didn't find anything. Had a cuppa out on the back terrace of "Konig". Nice bit of shade and greenery for the centre of town.

Sunday went off to Roses on the Costa Brava. Started  at Monique's flat with coffee and cake not to mention a fair bit of chat. Nice flat overlooking the sea; just a bit of a way out of town. Faffed around and eventually managed to get to the market for about an hour before lunch. Fell upon a skirt (12€), blouse (8€), red bag (20€) and a black bag (20€ beaten down from 22€). Lunch wasn't such a bargain, though. Put the waiter in a bad mood by asking to eat inside instead of out as there wasn't any shade and allowed the boss to order up a load of pica a pica for us. Every time he suggested something (mussels, clams, Iberique ham, tomato bread, anchovies on tomato bread) Jacques said "yes". He also said yes to cava sangria which I have to say was very palatable; not at all like the sweet, spiced red stuff. Tucked in and then moved on to the main course. Some of us even found room for a dessert. A small tiramisu in my case. Luckily, I hadn't spent all my money at the market. Bread and water for the next week? 

Monday, stayed this side of the border.  A day in Perpignan with Françoise to see some of the "Visa pour l'Image" photojournalism exposition. Physically and emotionally difficult to do them all. Misery in all its form was in abundance so it was such a relief to be able to linger over the Munier retrospective described as a "poetic journey through nature" and the large outdoor panels of whale societies. 


Had a late lunch at the Cafe de la Poste and made it home before school traffic created tedious snarl ups.

Tuesday there was a dinner with a difference at Jacques'. Suzette, Dominique and Michelle were there too to enjoy a 3 course meal prepared by the chef from the restaurant next door. Mushroom soup with croûtons; tempura king prawns on a tomato tartare; medallions of veal, squash purée, confit potatoes and roast onions; individual tarte tatin with vanilla ice cream. Stop, stop, stop!

Apart from that:

 There was only my neighbour, Gérard's vernissage followed by an apéritif. His paintings are not easy on the eye so, a glass of rosé was most welcome. 
And a quick(ish) glass of wine with Lone, my Danish friend. Our get-together should have been a coffee in the morning but she forgot so we rearranged for later. Best laid plans aren't always a sure thing, are they? Impromptu is good; not to mention that a glass of rosé beats a coffee any day.

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