Friday 2 January 2009


30th Dec - 2nd Jan:
Loaded up the car putting in a couple of rugs in case we should get caught in blizzards but it was a prcaution too far; the skies were blue and there were no problems on the road to St Gaudens, 2h.30 from here. Found Pascale's ( Christian's 2nd cousin) house easily enough and were made welcome by Janine (Christian's 1st cousin with whom he grew up for the first five years of his life) and Pierre and Laurie (Pascale's kids). On the 31st we went into the neighbouring village for a walk around and lunch at the local Logis de France. Then it was home to organise for the evening meal which was shared with Marie and her daughter Celia. By chance it was a rerun of Christmas with oysters, smoked salmon, foie gras and turkey!
New Year's day was spent quietly especially by me as I took to my bed with an upset stomach. Came home after lunch on the 2nd and settled in by the fire for a quiet evening.

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